This is a site still in the early stages of development, and pages will be added in due course. In particular, I want to find a home for the annual series of APEX crosswords I have been creating for some years. I will also add articles on solving crosswords from time to time, and I will try to publish occasional puzzles from my back catalogue for your entertainment.
The blog, if I ever manage to write one, may spread its wings a little further afield, and the presence of six cats in our household means that the obligatory feline-centred element of the web is also taken care of. (Our cats will not, however, suffer to be caged by white misspelled text.)
I would be happy to deal with any queries regarding cryptic crossword clues, though anyone expecting a rapid reply should note the concerns above about finding time to write a blog.
Comments can be left by clicking through the title.
Welcome to the world of Blogging. I look forward to reading your posts!
Paul, you rock it.
I can’t wait to see what you write and if you are as smart and cool as this blog suggests. Hurry and post again soon.
Paw waves!!! Welcome to world of blogging!
Welcome and bravo!
Now you put me to shame and I must update my site!
Great to see you indulging in this interweb techno whatsit Paul. Hope you’ll enjoy spreading the crossword lurve!
Weird, everything in the fields above is showing up in capitals. Looking good, P! Front end looks similar to wordpress and thanks for the blogroll link, I’ll add you to mine.
Great, Paul, that you’ve created a site. If memory serves, I first met you crossword-wise when you’d themed puzzles in the Indy Saturday magazine and later was v pleased when you appeared in their daily cryptic and I enjoy tackling them (almost) every Phiday (or Friday to some).