May as well kick off with a cliché, as well as a change. There may be some more changes to come as the year goes on, as I have a couple of things I still want to implement.
As promised, the new puzzle is from the Inquisitor series, but from long before it was known as the Inquisitor – 1991, no less. Countdown is the puzzle I mentioned solving because I had entirely forgotten its theme – see what you make of it.
I have somehow kept up with solving the seasonal puzzles, and have even got a little ahead with some of the January ones. This will all cease once the daily grind reasserts itself tomorrow. Still, I see I managed to produce grids for 11 puzzles during the break, including the 2017 APEX puzzle (still waiting for an inspiring title for that, though).
Coming up this week is a Times Quick Cryptic on Tuesday 10, followed closely by a Telegraph Toughie the next day. The ‘Friday’ Independent puzzle is for once displaced a day to Saturday. Make of that what you will.
Happy New Year.
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