It comes hard. The more-or-less annual clearance of vegetation from our stream occurred yesterday – warm, but not too hot, so a reasonable day fro standing in the stream and shifting the year’s accumulated water-weed to higher levels, and eventually to make very good compost. The earliest in the year we’ve done it, which says something about how warm it has been. (As do the daily bowls of strawberries, and now raspberries.)
But the day after? So a short comment this week, accompanying the appearance of another unpublished Beelzebub crossword, and noting that there will be a Church Times puzzle next Friday at the start of the month (but not any sort of Advent Calendar – I had no apprehension that December 1 would be chosen). In addition, the rapidly approaching last posting date means I need to divert attention to pulling together the annual APEX puzzle (completed in June, and not yet lost…), as well as putting some urgent thought into next year’s… More on the e-distribution of the puzzle next time.
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