It’s a busy weekend so not much time to squeeze in the update. I was almost grateful to have an attack of pleurisy, which kept me at home but not too incommoded, and allowed me to get this week’s puzzle prepared. There isn’t much else to recommend about the condition though, other than it leads you to reflect how few English words end in -ISY. (We’ve just planted some kohlrabi, so if a puzzle turns up with KOHLRABI and PLEURISY symmetrically arranged, then you can be sure I am turning experience to use in clues.)
This time around there’s a Church Times puzzle from 2013. Another Church Times puzzle from 2013, I should say, since I very nearly alighted upon the last Church Times puzzle I gave you for a repeat performance. This one is that one’s predecessor, if anyone’s counting.
I see that a new BBC Music Magazine is out, with a colourised Elgar on the cover, which is nice, as there’s an Elgarian slant to my puzzle inside it. Elsewhere we’re back to Friday-as-usual in The Independent, with, in addition, a Times puzzle on 13 August closely followed by a Telegraph Toughie on the 15th. And, in case I don’t update the page as early in the weekend next time around, there’s a Times Jumbo on 24 August.
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