This site was set up to provide a home for the ongoing series of APEX Christmas puzzles I have been setting for over a decade. It’s now time for the annual update that puts the latest puzzle online.
If you want the background to the series try here. Once you’re there, you can scroll down and head over the puzzle – or you can get the direct link here.
As always, the solution page lists the three clues judged best, and their authors.
Some other action on the site since the last update:
A setter’s blog on the Listener puzzle 8×8
(there are solving blogs on Listen with Others here; you will have to scroll down or search if you come here a week or more afterwards)
A setter’s blog on the Enigmatic Variations puzzle Spoiler Alert
(the fifteensquared solver’s blog is here)
A piece about the role of reference books in current solving practice
A quiet period for puzzles other than the Friday Independent appearances, and even one of those moves to a Saturday before the next update: the Independent puzzle due for 30 April will now appear on 1 May. But if you really want something from me on 30 April, do turn to the Church Times.
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