Another week that has quite escaped me, what with the drive being dug up for the fifth attempt at repairing the water main, a trip to the periodontist for Marjorie, both of us with bad colds, a christening at the neighbours (the last christening I went to was my sister’s, 50+ years ago; hadn’t been to a Catholic version, though this church seemed to have been in collision with an Ikea store, and didn’t outrage my Methodist sensibilities), and finally deciding to celebrate our 35th anniversary today.
So I’m contenting myself with a run-down of the forthcoming puzzles for the next fortnight, and hoping I have more time next time round.
The Independent dailies are back to Fridays, with 18 October also seeing Pangakupu pop up in the Guardian. Before that there’s Pedro providing a Times Quick Cryptic on 14 October.
And now I can get back to finishing Saturday’s puzzles…
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Weeks, even months, can go that way. Happy 35th, may you have many more together solving life and various other puzzles as well as enjoying so many fine felines as inspiration company and soothers lifes woes.