RIDE, PIKE, LANE and MOTORWAY are all forms of ROAD; POMP, DEMONSTRATE, EXPOSE and REVEAL all define SHOW, giving ROADSHOW. SOJOURN/ADJOURN, WANDERS/WASHERS, SHEER/SOWER and CLAIM/CLARO give the pairs SO/ND/HE/IM and AD/SH/OW/RO. Redundant words in clues follow the notes to the relevant clues.
Sondheim was 80 in 2010; ROADSHOW is his most recent show, and, as it postdates Eric Chalkley’s death, Apex never had a chance to commemorate it.
For anyone who is interested, EUAN appears as one of ‘Some first names’, ELBE under LUSATIAN and POLABIAN, and DR WHO under DALEK. The English choral tradition generally seems to prefer Psalm 100 to be called JUBILATE DEO rather than what Chambers suggests (e.g. Britten’s setting).
1 PARADROP; a rad in prop
5 SLOB; s lob
8 SOJOURN (ADJOURN); jo in sour n; postpone
10 MAXIM; x in maim
11 WAGE; w a Ge
12 ELBE; hidden rev.
13 OSMUNDS; OS m(0)unds
15 RASP; S in rap
17 ULTIMO; it (rev.) in U L mo
18 ARGOTS; go in arts
21 SEED; 2 mngs.
23 CATENAE; cate nae
25 RALE; ra(ff)le
27 MEOW; e in mow
28 DOMAL; do mal(e)
29 WANDERS (WASHERS); N in waders; rings
30 EUAN; Eu(rope)an
31 ALSO; hidden rev.
2 ARAISE; A for P in praise
3 ADIEUX; EU in a dix(i)
4 ODALS; hidden
5 SHEER (SOWER); he in ser; broadcaster
6 LUAU; Lu(D) Au
7 ORGASM; as in OR GM
8 AREDES; R in Aedes
9 JUBILATE DEO; anag. in jube + o
13 OMASUM; om a sum
14 MAGE; Mag(gi)e
16 AIRN; air N
17 URAEUS; R in UAE + us & lit.
19 VELOUR; ‘ve l our
20 BANANA; 2 mngs.
22 DR WHO; h in anag.
23 CLAIM (CLARO); I in clam; cigar
24 COSS; c(r)oss
26 ELMY; m in Ely
The winning clues to ROADSHOW were:
Rash Woods getting end away badly hit performances on tour
(anag. – s; Tim Moorey)
Moving performance in play draws ‘ooh!’
(anag; John Tozer)
Mobile company bills stop breaking bank
(ads ho! in row; Roger Phillips)
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