The clue types are nested: six misprints within two groups of three Spoonerisms, within two groups of three normal clues…within two groups of the Printer’s Devilry clues. The structure mirrors that of David Mitchell’s novel CLOUD ATLAS (6 24), which, at the time of setting, was expected to be released as a film in 2011 (2012 is now suggested). Another Mitchell novel, GHOSTWRITTEN, was the clue word given by misprints and latent letters.
1 ESTREPE; PD; b/at
7 SURD; PD; sa/e
11 SCOW; PD; Ri/ley
12 PLUN(G)ER; LL; plun(d)er
13 SOUT(H)END-ON-SEA; LL; out end in anag.
14 M(O)N(O)C(O)QUE; LL; MN + Q in cue
16 DREAD; DLM; Dead rats
17 ADVERB; DLM; bad? Very
19 SANGAREE; DLM; As green as
20 SASTRUGA; Normal; stru(t) in saga
23 OPERAS; Normal; 0 + anag.
25 GELID; Normal; e.g. (rev.) + lid
27 ATOLLS; Spoonerism; ll in at o s; lands in brine
29 REBELLIOUSLY; Spoonerism; bell I 0 in anag; in Cade’s mode
30 I’LL SAY; Spoonerism; SA in illy; Count me in
31 YEAR; Misprint; ye a r; Seasons
32 CLEF; Misprint; c lef(t); piTch
33 LAUS DEO; Misprint; anag. – t; peWs
1 ESSE; Misprint; hidden; coRe
2 SCOURS; Misprint; s cours(e); dIrt
3 TOUT ENSEMBLE; Misprint; out in tens + emble(m); casT
4 EMENDS; Spoonerism; em ends; makes finer
5 PONCEAUS; Spoonerism; once in paus(e); red dyes
6 CLOUD; Spoonerism; clou D; much dust
8 UNSTERILISED; Normal; anag.
9 REEF; Normal; cf. free
10 DRABBET; Normal; drab bet
14 MANTRA; DLM; ran tamely
15 EVADES; DLM; Eve’s admirer
17 ANGELICA; DLM; Article again
18 ESO(T)ERIC; LL; e so Eric
21 A(E)GLOGU(E); LL; g log in Au
22 BIPLA(N)E; LL; I alp (rev.) in be
24 ATLAS; PD; co/t
26 WELL; PD; do/ing
28 TYRO; PD; ri/les
The winning clues to GHOSTWRITTEN were:
The worst thing about leaving husband is going out under a different name
(anah. – h; John Tozer)
From another pen, loosed hogs run in country lane
(anag. + r in twitten; Roger Phillips)
Worth setting on fire – like some celebs’ books
(anag; Chris Brougham)
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