1 C(A)RIBE/CRIB(L)E; crib e
5 SHAMPOO; sham poo(l)
11 RUELLIA; rue + a ill (rev.)
12 EARN; (y)earn
13 HARDLINERS; r in hard lines
14 CHORE; cf. ochre
15 ZINGARO; zing + anag. – d
17 ANTS; hidden rev.
19 ENISLE; en (l)isle
21 HING(E)/(T)HING; h in G
22 FIND; ‘fined’
24 STUNTS; stun t(roop)s
29 AVERNUS; aver + Sun (rev.)
30 O’HARE; oh! are(a)
31 CARICATURE; anag. + cat in cure
32 RIVA; riva(l)
33 LACONIC; lac(e) + on ic(e)
34 (R)ESEMBLE/E(N)SEMBLE; es emble(m)
35 HERSE; s in here
1 C(A)ROCHE/CROCHE(T); croc he
2 RUTHENIC; the in run + I c
3 BLANKS; L in banks
4 EARED; E a red
6 HA(I)LING/HAL(V)ING; lin in hag
7 AB INTRA; a + nib art (rev.)
8 MENGS; men g s
9 PATARINE; P + anag.
10 ON SONG; no (rev.) + son g
16 LINGERIE; linger i.e.
18 INTERTIE; inter(red) + tie
20 LION CUB; oncu(s) in lib
22 FIACRE; a/c in fire
23 YOU-ALL; U in anag.
25 UPHROE; up h roe
26 SPENCE; s pence
27 PRIAM; I in pram
28 LOUCH(E)/(S)LOUCH; l ouch
ALTERNATIVES was a much friendlier word to clue, though the counting of the votes as they came in was a rather different experience than usual. As a result, there are four listed again this time.
1st Naive starlet cast in “To Be or Not to Be”? (Ross Beresford)
2nd Endpoint for defendant even as trial collapses – Guilty or Not Guilty? (Paul Henderson)
3rd Wales after despatching Spain, hammer Israel at event (David Giles)
4th Variant letters could give these right? (Jeff Aronson)
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