Jacob BRONOWSKI wrote: “ASTRONOMY IS NOT THE APEX OF SCIENCE OR OF INVENTION. But it is a test of the cast of temperament and mind that underlies a culture.”
1 UNZIP; nu (rev.) + zip
4 PASSIM; miss ap (all rev.)
8 TALOS; hidden rev.
9 CELLO; cell O
11 WEILL; I in well
12 TAXOL; anag. of component letters
13 TETTER; T (b)etter
14 NUTSO; T in anag.
19 URNAL; ur(I)nal
22 NIFFER; 2 mngs.
25 GENRO; genr(e) O
26 SNEER; s ne’er
27 EVITE; it in Eve
28 MICHE; h in mice
29 RANKLY; (f)rankly
30 ETTIN; ET tin
1 UNWIT; w in unit
2 IN ALT; hidden
3 POLLEN; poll E N
5 SCANT; scan t
6 ILLTH; I l l(o)th
7 MOUSIE; anag. + i.e.
8 STEER; t in seer
10 LOTUS; t in lous(y)
15 BUFFER; buff + re (rev.)
16 ORANT; Ra in O NT
17 WIENIE; wie + ein (rev.)
18 KEENE; keen e
20 ORGIA; R in A1 go (all rev.)
21 LOREL; ore in L L
23 FECHT; f echt
24 RERUN; re(a)r un
The competition was to write a Letters Latent clue for ASTRONOMY, omitting the letter of one’s choice from the wordplay. Here are the winners:
1st Science familiar to Greeks but alien to Romans Richard Morse
2nd A case of subject covering a lot of space? Christopher Brougham
3rd A study in which universal dimension is space Mick Hodgkin
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