The clues to this one included a rare example of a sort of inversion. Normally, when faced with a ‘non-musical’ word (like, say, GANGSTERS, here) I will work the wording round to give a musical flavour. Here TROLL received a clue that apparently had no musical content, but the reference to ‘Peer’ was intended to send solvers back to one of the most famous classical lollipops – Grieg’s In the Hall of the Mountain King from his incidental music to Peer Gynt.
6 WITCHES’ SABBATH; wit Chess Abba th(e)
9 LAGER; anag.
10 LIVERPOOL; liver pool
11 GANGSTERS; anag. in G & S
12 ADLER; L in a der
13 NASTILY; N + anag.
15 BASSOON; ass in boon
17 REBEL; B in reel
19 FORESIGHT; anag.
21 HABANERAS; ban era in has
22 LENTI; lent I
1 STAGINGS; tag in sings
2 CHORUS; chor(e) US
3 PSALTERY; t in anag.
4 VALVES; v in vales
5 IBERIANS; (S)iberians
6 WOLFGANG RIHM; anag. + anag.
7 TROLL; t roll
8 CLARINETTIST; anag. inc. t,t
14 IOLANTHE; O in I l an the
15 BIRD SONG; anag.
16 ORGANIST; anag.
18 BIBER; B in bier
19 FOREST; anag.
20 SOLELY; e in Solly
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