9 Bad habit’s brought about end of soprano or baritone, perhaps (5)
10 Provençal dance, but A minor is wrong (9)
11 German composer returned in drink with one in attendance (7)
12 Bass avoiding miserable period making escape (7)
13 Broadway musical returned equipment, idle, with only one-third of crowds coming in (4,5)
15 British composer beginning to develop bell sound (5)
17 Music venue: you hear a solo actively involving revolutionary theatre group (5,5,5)
20 Some getting excited about piano in Surrey town (5)
22 Jazz master heading off from NZ city (9)
24 Book to be a help to string player (7)
25 Kander/Ebb musical, stylish in the past (7)
27 Old clarinet – each mutual playing lacks hint of tension (9)
28 Peer’s tormentor to ring bell? That’s about right (5)
1 Curiously deviant raga, not one in modern style (5-5)
2 Is contralto in couple to come to nothing? (8)
3 Violinist’s percussion instrument? (4)
4 Verdi opera having incomplete Greek look! (6)
5 One who uses merely half of opus? That’s wrong (8)
6 Intermittent comparison of 1 down with the Baroque? (3,3,4)
7 Verdi opera runs into pointless upset (6)
8 More than half Vienna turned up for soprano Schwanewilms (4)
14 Rubbished unmusical opening to opera? That’s slanderous (10)
16 Valley no good (loud rocks) for pernickety pianist (5,5)
18 Dubious respect about large aids for French guitarists (8)
19 Group very engaged in lax tour abroad (8)
21 Move like dancer, for example, circling tree (6)
23 Odd clue about unknown opening of music college (6)
24 Composer’s disgusted comment about entry of choir (4)
26 Very keen on opening bars, dismissing end of number (4)
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