1 Discussion to vacillate mostly about source of milk (9)
8 Eliminated American gamble, first to last (4)
11 Signs of bad weather linked to pressure? They’ll do for American farmers (5)
12 Slander of the French? Little evidence about that (7)
13 Mathematical operation: record issue about it with a bit of help (9)
14 Element that no longer precedes uranium in order (7)
17 Construction of false floor in building is a matter of shame (13)
21 One agnostic disturbed about gross churchgoers (13)
23 Birds I found in parts of Ohio, as it were (7)
25 I’m returning, undertaking to block local happiness? Yes, at the outset, perhaps (9)
26 I have to back carrying article around in marine threat (7)
27 Compulsion to ditch University gown (5)
28 Male time of life when energy is failing (4)
29 Flogged metal around that place (9)
2 Losing one’s head, perhaps, being told to lose head (6)
3 Driving casually, also running behind having abandoned main road (8)
4 Uncapped drain – you get water from this? (4)
5 Difficult book about currency (11)
6 Clear river hosting a new contest (11)
7 Comfortable place for listeners on a serious basis (7)
8 Is including nothing in obscure expressions (6)
9 Radar signal observed aboard the chopper (4)
10 Scots resign over fools producing crockery (10)
11 Scientific specialists treated psychosis with it, spurning love (10)
15 Fruit giving energy to fellow (5)
16 What should interrupt more presumptuous observer of beauty? (8)
18 Romeo seen after a Shakespearean fellow’s entry (7)
19 Encouraging what the poor may be doing to eliminate bedbug? (6)
20 Article in Paris Match to that extent taking on European concern (6)
22 Source of stress in plane producing crack (4)
24 Self-confidence upset around river monster (4)
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