The grid represents A HERTZSPRUNG-RUSSELL DIAGRAM, which locates stars by means of their TEMPERATURE and LUMINOSITY. Such a diagram has a roughly diagonal band called the MAIN SEQUENCE, above which lie GIANT and SUPERGIANT branches (somewhat conflated here) while WHITE DWARFs fall below. ACHERNAR at 3dn is (by chance) more or less correctly placed on the main sequence.
Across: 1 anag., A, 11 ach in chou; H, 12 peer in sub; E, 13 I in Lorre; R, 14 litas; T, 15 p Oz in un; Z, 16 litigant; l + I tig ant, 18 SOS in a St; S, 20 here n in pint; P, 22 surl(y) U; R, 23 nu RUR; U, 24 anag. inc. R R; N, 28 gen due; G, 30 showtime; ow! Tim in she, 31 erro(r)s; R, 32 wind; win d, 33 a in quant; U, 34 is in tulle; S, 35 sent ice; S.
Down: 2 weapon; E ap in won, 3 Achernar; r in a chenar, 4 lorries; o RR in lies, 5 l L in lues; E , 6 I slog on; L, 7 auld it; L, 8 CE + t in inured; D, 9 hidden; I, 10 anag; A, 17 shrew + I’d (rev.) + e.g; G, 19 anisette; I set in ante, 21 quantum; quan(t) tum, 25 rent-(F)ree; R, 26 oracle; l in o race & lit., 27 ado nut; A, 28 pilea; pile A, 29 Fe in derm; M.
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