The ‘interpretation’ is MIDDLE VERTICAL IS MIRROR. The content to be highlighted/distinguishing feature are FOUR NAMES – ONE IS A VAMPIRE. The leading diagonal has the ‘thematic comment’ NO REFLECTION. NONA, LIAM, and ROSA are reflected on the first, seventh, and eleventh rows. PETER appears on the ninth row but has no reflection – so he is the vampire.
I’ve been greatly assisted in recollecting this puzzle by Mister Sting’s blog on the fifteensquared site:
My own setter’s blog was much less help…
1 NONARY; non-arMy
5 XOANON; x o Anon; (F)ox
10 AOUDAD; oud in a aId
11 OVIEDO; vied in Do O
12 TARZAN; tar zan(y); m(O)an
15 BEREFT; f in beret; bo(U)nce
17 FEER; fee R; wage(R)s
19 RHUM; RD. hum
20 FORD; F Lord
21 OGAM; 0 gam; po(N)d
23 AERIALS; lair in sea (all rev.); de(A)n
28 WEBMAIL; M in weE bail
29 OSLO; OS lo; see(M)
30 AESC; AVes c
32 PERT; r in pet; run(E)
35 RIAS; sE(a) air (all rev.)
38 USER ID; us + dire (rev.); (S)our
39 TORINO; to rin(g) o; sh(O)ut
40 ROSACE; ros(e) AceR
41 PHASOR; has in porT
42 SATEEN; SA teen; (N)it
43 MODERN; dIe in morn
1 NATURAL; Cur in Natal
2 NURTURAL; la rut run (all rev.)); l(E)ast
3 ADZE; a dAze
4 RAAF; initial letters; (I)rate
6 OVERDUB; du(E)L in o verb
7 AIRCON; air con; (S)lay
8 NE’ER; (o)ne + ‘re (rev.); are(A)
9 NOTE; nI(l)ote
13 ATHEISES; aS + I in theses
14 NEO; n + initial letters; (V)ex
16 FLATIRON; tiro in flan(k); (A)wing
18 ERSE; Merse(y)
22 GRAECISE; GI + anag. + e
24 AVARICE; v + anag. in ace; pro(M)
25 LWEI; L weiR
26 ALTHORN; t,H in a lorn; (P)article
27 MOERAE; moRe ra(g)e
31 SAT; as (rev.) + t; pla(I)ce
33 PURS; pOurs
34 TEST; set (rev.) + t; b(R)and
36 SO-HO; so ho; hol(E)d
37 TRAD; art in DR (rev.)
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