Keen eyes will spot an eleventh possibility, but I wonder if I did at the time. Else why persist with HAS(TEN)S and the relatively obscure HASS as the entry?
Ten answers lost the word TEN to form the grid entries. Thus there were TEN OUT OF TEN (or ‘Full marks’), which was to highlighted in the NW-SE diagonal.
1 THAW; cf. what
4 TOSTADA; sta(ff) in toda(y)
10 ENROL; L + r in one (all rev.)
11 ISLE; hidden
12 I-AND-I; Ian Di
13 PLAGAL; lag in pal
15 RARE; hidden rev.
17 ENTRUST; ENT rust
21 (TEN)TING; (pa)tenting
22 SCALP; plac(e)s (rev.)
23 HUNKS; 2 mngs.
25 LA(TEN)CY; late + c in NY
27 SPORULE; sp 0 rule
29 PRO(TEN)D; rot in pend
35 ORDEAL; or deal
36 RATUS; rat US
37 OCAS; O cas(t)
38 SIXTE; x in site
39 TWINSET; wins in Tet
40 BOS’N; s in nob (rev.)
1 TRIBES; B in tries
2 HEAR(TEN); eart(h) in hen
3 ANNA; n in ana; A and the King
4 TOIL; 2 mngs.
5 OLPES; cf. Poles
6 (TEN)SILE; ens in tile
7 TSAR; t,s a,r
8 DEARN; R in dean
9 (TEN)ABLE; en in table
14 ORLY; or(der)ly
16 AINU; a in U
18 TACO; tac(k) 0
19 UPS; (c)ups
20 THO; t ho!
21 TURF; initial letters & lit.
24 SEISIN; is I in sen
26 ARROW; (h)arrow
29 POR(TEN)T; r in potent
30 DEAN; a in den
31 HAS(TEN)S; a s t in hens
32 WRIT(TEN); it t in Wren
33 OTTO; OTT o
34 GUES(TEN); anag.
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