This proved to be quite a difficult grid to fill, especially amongst the down entries where the entry that required an additional letter was unexpectedly on the other half of the grid, or quite a way below. The across entries were quite orderly by comparison. In some cases I even came up with real words after the intervention of the straggler – the fifth row seemed to hog them. One or two of the others seemed to drive the clue-writing element – 8 down and 24 down used devices where the letters eliminated were also the ones introduced. James let me get away with two references to ‘sect’ – not sure that would be allowed these days.
Misprints spelled POST HOC.
1 STIRRA; stir RA
6 GAME; gam E
10 FORGATHER; forgat her
11 KENSPECKLE; kens peck le; Patent
13 RYA; abbreviation
14 FUNDUS; fund US
15 TABES; tab e,s
17 JET; je(S)t
18 CRITICASTER; c + t in anag; minOr
21 CORSAGE; sag in core
22 RAT; rat(e)
23 SKELF; fle(C) ks (rev.)
25 SPREADEAGLE; anag; armS
28 NEF; ne(I)f
29 ZORIL; z o ril(e)
30 ODD ONE OUT; OD done out
31 SITH; anag.
32 REFRIGERATOR; anag; unheaTed
1 SEKT; ‘sect’
2 THE CREEPS; re in the ceps
3 RESALE; res ale
4 UPS; UPS abbrev.
5 AGOUTAS; out in saga (rev.)
6 GANNISTER; anag; Hard
7 AID; (m)aid
8 SHAKO; shak(e) o’
9 EXSECT; Ex sect
12 BUTTER-FINGERED; butter + g in fine + red; drOp
16 SCOWDER; scow + red (rev.)
18 COSMOS; c osmos(e)
19 LANGUR; langu(0)r
20 TAROT; 0 in tart
21 CHARNEL-HOUSE; anag; Corses
24 FAME; f(l)ame
26 EGO; e go
27 ELF; (s)elf
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