A significant minority of clues contain a misprint of one letter in the definition part. Remaining answers are entered according to a substitution cipher in which each letter of an answer is moved forward the same number of letters in the alphabet, so CAT might become DBU, ECV or FDW etc. The number in each case varies according to a rationale given by the correct letters in the misprinted definitions, in clue order. This rationale should be indicated by a single letter in the central square.
1 Actor is sporting with spirited noblemen (11)
9 Begin to dismiss second lie (4)
10 Go back up table initially in Olympic event (7, 2 words)
12 Scots tangled a little about van (6)
14 Encourage fellow to lap drink (7)
15 Billion enthralled by star’s musical instrument (5)
16 Enthusiasm to accept nothing of larval stages (5)
18 Expression of approval against one tax (5)
21 Book people – two? (5)
22 Card? ‘Eccentric’ not right, note (5)
24 Find extremely overlooked nightclub (5)
27 Company having reduced American milk substitute (7)
29 Intercourse about a fine old shark (6, 2 words)
30 One pretends to hold first of religious retreats (7)
31 One having place in accustomed rank (4)
32 Article following artistic trends covering theatre item? (11)
1 African man in a search without end, to do with water (7)
2 Local strain about church’s silver money (5)
3 Illegal dwelling, special, with curious features, but not fashionable (5)
4 Displaying flamboyance? Certainly German zones unknown for that (5)
5 Boy apparently sleeping with knives (6)
6 Girl passing through Colorado on aircraft (4)
7 Brochures disapproves of King – shall we? (8)
8 Very old line taken by Cambodia’s people (4)
11 Ripple giving away lake fish (5)
13 Scots sheltering second monarch, covering trademark of boots? (8)
17 Two Greek characters impeded by new bronchial sounds (7)
19 Farm often supporting half of crop (5)
20 Soft sulphur, giving off a smell (6)
23 Battered tray carrying hot drinking cups (5)
25 English doctor to leave overturned sink (5)
26 Oz chat currently sent up US soldier (5)
27 Native American caught bird (4)
28 Poe’s line accepted by enthusiast (4)
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