This being a recent Inquisitor there is both a blog at fifteensquared:
And a blog by myself on this site:
Having just reread the fifteensquared comments, I think I would justify the grumbles about only some Ls being removed from answers by noting that Beeching didn’t actually cull all lines…
Flanders and Swann’s SLOW TRAIN lamented the loss of railway lines (L removed from down entries) and particularly stations, including those at BLANDFORD FORUM, CHESLYN HAY, MIDSOMER NORTON and MUMBY ROAD. Another (MORTEHOE) emerged from extra letters in down wordplay, and a sixth – the appropriately-named CHITTENING PLATFORM – from across misprints.
10 LIE; l i.e. bounCer
11 ELENCHI; El(l)en chi; cHeating
12 AVAIL; I in aval; aId
14 THUD; h in dut(y) (rev.); Thump
15 OCHEROUS; anag; painT
16 DITCHER; itch in der; Ea
19 FORGE; for GE; coiN
20 STROAM; OR (rev.) in stam(p); drIft
23 LESLIE; l(I)es lie; Name
24 RICHLY; h in anag; Grand
26 DZEREN; z in anag. + n; leaPing
27 REGAN; e,g in ran; Lear
29 CHICANO; chic a + on (rev.); mAn
30 ONONDAGA; on on dag A; Tribe
34 RAGI; rag I; Food
35 GEMOT; G + to me (rev.); moOt
36 UROSOME; anag. + some; reaR
37 IDO; I do; idioM
1 SI(L)VA; 2 mngs.
2 LEAF TRACE; anag. inc. M
3 OLIO; Oil (rev.) in (c)oo(k)
4 WELCHER; we l cherR(y)
5 RE(LL)IE; I in e’er (rev.)
6 ANTRORSE; anT + anag.
7 ICHOR; I ch orE
14 (L)IONIZE; anag. in i.e.
15 GA(L)I(L)EAN; A1 in gean
18 OLIGAEMIA; Holi + anag. + a
19 PHRENISM; anag. inc. O
22 TRIGGER; Egg in trier
25 FOGOU; fog Mo u
28 DOOB; do + boY (rev.)
29 AERO; a + Core (rev.)
30 TODD; toddY
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