In a game of musical chairs, one is taken away at each stage; with words, that becomes a sequence such as STARTING, STARING, STRING, STING, SING, SIN, IN. Such a sequence is given by the six otherwise unclued answers in this puzzle which define words of seven down to two letters. Solvers must highlight the appropriately musical eight letter starting point in the completed grid.
1 Attention given to international pilot’s hat part? (3-3)
6 Man is following love god (6)
11 Sudden winged onslaught on prey, primarily (5)
12 Constituent of varnish in time less recalled (5)
13 Old coins – not much change from notes? (7)
15 Handed money over after one’s left apartment (3)
17 5
18 Recalled player with European reputation (4)
19 7
20 Some other answer written in reverse here? It’s a trap (5)
21 One tucks into drink, a feature of Christmas celebration (6)
22 Likely to lose heart after bugbear, mostly showing little depth (6)
23 Row round British river (5)
26 Uproar – I go limbo dancing round rear of bar (9)
29 Cry held back by new sailor (4)
30 4
31 John’s appearance – a little lacking (3)
32 Attack and observe retreating facial features (7)
34 Artist responsible for some modern stuff (5)
35 Component of one electrical point, ancient (5)
36 3
37 Second tax gathering minimum of revenue in no great hurry (6)
1 Sword found in antique stock (5)
2 6
3 2
4 Copy record, missing start (3)
5 Left on the light for show (7)
6 Article is very revolutionary offering alternative musical reading (5)
7 Main source of revolutionary brand (4)
8 Be a player in sport, expecting something back (9)
9 I’m taking role of admitting one thousand religious leaders (5)
10 Vehicle I’d entered in climbing contests (7)
14 Nothing ‘ere, possibly – on day two? (10)
16 Ancient music long linked with Spain possibly (9)
20 Ostler less likely to break down? (7)
21 Runs from rooms in a dangerous condition (7)
24 Aged vinegar and last of wine I offer to customers (6)
25 Film actor increasingly seen around character most often in Hollywood (5)
27 Religious fanatic with large collection of religious books (5)
28 Bird vehicle dislodged from roundabout (5)
30 Old English know reproach of Scots (4)
33 Worker offering opposition I ignored (3)
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