This puzzle has both a solver’s blog on fifteensquared and a setter’s blog elsewhere on this site.
Cuius testiculos habes habeas cardia et cerebellum is a ‘translation’ of WHEN YOU HAVE THEIR FULL ATTENTION IN YOUR GRIP, THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS WILL FOLLOW. Each of the undefined entries was a synonym of BALL.
9 LAKSHMI; anag; Smith the newsagent = WH
11 ILIAC; I l I a/c; little space = EN
12 LLANO; all (rev.) + no; call for effort = YO
13 ETA; hidden; negation half expressed = UH(-uh)
14 ESSIE; ess + i.e; Bible = AV
16 PILL; P ill
17 BASALT; basal t; extraterrestrial = ET
19 DISCO; hidden; explosive = HE
20 ESPOUSAL; ESP + U in anag; taxmen = IR
24 GALABEAH ; gala be a h; a lot of fun = FU
26 EPEES; EP + see (rev.); lines = LL
28 ANGORA; go in an RA; empty art = AT
30 CURL; cur l; most of tea = TE
32 EASEL; ease l; location of Gospels = NT
34 ORB; O RB
35 HORAE; ho + ear (rev.); cry of joy = IO
36 ELIAN; I in elan; turned in = NI
37 ISOBARS; B in I soars; US city = NY
1 MALTASE; sat (rev.) in male; University broadcast = OU
2 USNEA; ne in USA; turning gross = RG
3 UMPS; (b)umps; rule one = RI
4 SILICA; C in is (rev.) + ail (rev.); point = PT
5 TIRED; R in tied; man = HE
6 ELAPID; ale (rev.) + dip (rev.); bird’s heart = IR
7 SIGISBEO; i.e. is in sig be o; ambassador = HE
8 TAIL; a in lit. (rev.); Arab = AR
10 KAA; initial letters; overturning stone = TS
15 SLUG; slu(n)g; article = AN
18 SPHEROID; hero in dips (rev.)
21 LANE; a n in le; European currency no longer = DM
22 CARRARA; car rara; fashionable = IN
23 CELLAR;’seller’; from the sign = DS
25 ATAXIC; a taxi C; Caribbean area = WI
27 SENNA; ann(ex)es (rev.); Lord Lieutenant = LL
29 GLOBE; l in go be
31 UGLI; hidden; of swirling = FO
33 SASS; as in SS; lecturer repeated = LL
34 ORA; o RA; that hurts = OW
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