There is a solving blog on fifteensquared and my own setter’s blog elsewhere on this site
But solve the puzzle first!
Corrected misprints gave NOT THE PIXAR FILM, while the four blank cells pointed up a gap in the word NAUTILUS. Solvers were thus Finding Nemo, but in the contest of restoring Verne’s captain to his submarine (below SEA LEVEL in the grid).
NEW TESTAMENT; test amen in anag.
PLAINT; I in plant; lameNt
ATAXIA; taxi in a a
HARLEY STREET; anag. inc. l,y & lit.
REGIME CHANGE; e.g. I mech. In range
BRITON; b(A)riton(E); POm
RATTED; tar (rev.) + t(I)ed; Told
DEUTERON; anag; waTer
RILL; (sh)rill
ADEN; a + end with D first
TEASER; tea(m) + ser; Hoax
ANGOLA; o in Angl(I)a
HIATAL; hi (greeting) + a + tal(k)
AT SEA; s in a tea; shorEs
VELDT; Ld, in vet
ELAN; cf. lane
WARAGI; rag in wai(t)
TILLITE; lit in tile
STYE; hidden; Pen
TASK; T ask; toIl
MARCATO; mar cat o
EXEUNT; (v)exe(D)+ (P)unt
NIEF; E in in (rev.) F; boXing
THE DYNASTS; s in anag.
SMOUSE; M in souse
SHARON; Ar in shon(e)
ENTHRAL; anag. inc. n + ra(I)l; rApture
CREMATE; em in crate; fiRe
FIESTA; F + anag. [aesti]; Festival
TELEDU; tele + du(e); nIff
LASSU; i.e. (Orlando di) Lassus
DO-ALL; a in doll
SHET; H in set; cLose
GLEI; hidden; Muddy
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