Here’s the solution and a full set of notes. Having typed the whole thing in, and looked at the clues, I’d say that this was not very far from the sort of puzzle you’d get from me today. I don’t think I’d clue 13 down that way any more and 27 across doesn’t mean anything very much now I come to look at it. (The sole editorial intervention, in 18 down, was not to my taste since it meant the published version deploys the abbreviation used in the clue as part of the wordplay.)
1 ADELPHI; anag.
5 SWAHILI; hi! in laws (rev.) + I
9 OSCILLATE; 0 sc(in t)illate
10 KELSO; ke(en) LSO
11 ERODE; rod in e,e
12 UNCLEARED; uncle a Red
21 TRANSIENT; art (rev.) + anag.
23 GULLY; 2 mngs.
24/22d ICING SUGAR; anag.
25 DRAMATIST; dram + is in a TT
26 HUMDRUM; hum d rum
27 ENDORSE; end + S in ore
1 AVOCET; ova (rev.) + anag.
2 ENCLOSE; (f)enc(e) lose
3 PULVERISE; pul(l) + I in verse
4 IN ABUNDANCE; I n a bun dance
5 SUE; su(it)e
6 ANKLE; an + elk (rev.)
7 ILLYRIA; ill + airy (rev.)
8 IRON DUKE; anag. in Ike
13 CONCENTRATE; con + at in centre
15 SAFEGUARD; fas(t) + anag.
16 SCOTTISH; c in sot + anag.
18 URANIUM; rani in U um
19 COLLIER; collie r
20 MYRTLE; try in elm (all rev.)
25 DAM; mad (rev.)
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