In copying this out for the site, I found I wasn’t terribly pleased with it. There was at least one clue I was sure I would never have written. On further inspection, that particular example proved to be an editorial intervention, but there remained several clues I would have to own up to rather sheepishly. Nothing absolutely dreadful, but just a bit plodding, perhaps.
1 CHANGE OF HEART; implied anag.
10 ARRESTS; RA (rev.) + rest + S
11 REDDISH; re d-dish
12 STONY; hidden rev.
13 SPOT CHECK; tops (rev.) + check
14 ODIUM; (s)odium
16 HAIRINESS; n in anag.
19 EXUDE; ex + anag.
20 NULLIPARA; hidden rev.
23 CAPER; PE in car
24 ADMIRAL; anag. – ne
25 OCARINA; anag. – l,l
2 HARMONIUM; anag. in hum
4 EASES; (C)eases
5 FARROWING; far rowing
6 ENDOCRINE; anag. + in e
7 RAISE; a is in RE
8 PASSION SUNDAY; anag. + ay
9 SHAKESPEAREAN; anag. + anag. + an
15 MATRIARCH; tria(l) in march
16 HEIR-AT-LAW; rat in anag.
17 EQUIPOISE; equip Oise
21 LEMON; hidden
22 AB OVO; abov(e) O
23 CRASS; cr. ass
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