1 FALCON; fal(l) con
10 DEBUTANTE; U in debt ante
11 CHILL; c hill
12 ANTIOCH; anti 0 Ch
13 MILHAUD; anag.
14 ATRIA; a tria(L)
15 BATHETIC; bathe(r) tic
18 MECHANIC; e ch in manic
20 TIGER; g in tier
23 HACKSAW ; hack saw
25 READERS; 2 mngs.
26 ORATE; 0 rate
27 GELIGNITE; g + anag.
28 GREETING; 2 mngs.
29 ADONIS; ado + sin (rev.)
1 FADE AWAY; fad (t)ea(m) way
2 LOBSTER; B in lost + er
3 OSTEOPATH; op in anag.
5 PNEUMATIC DRILL; anag. – 0 & lit.
6 LOCAL; lo! cal(l)
7 ORIGAMI; I’m a Giro (all rev.)
8 TOLEDO; le in to-do
9 ON THE BANDWAGON; band in on the wagon
16 ESTRANGE; strane in ed
17 BRUSSELS; R & L in busses
19 ENCLAVE; NC in anag.
21 GRECIAN; EC in anag.
22 THRONG; th(e) ‘wrong’
24 SHEET; h in Tees (rev.)
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