7 Alfresco warning about going to pot? (4,3,3,5)
9 Escape, right? (5)
10 Supply wine incompletely – face appearing as not friendly (9)
11 Tom Potter is wrong – I’ll get you reading more clearly (11)
13 SScottish town with some sunlight right to the end (3)
14 Article covered in damage from use and the elements (7)
16 Suckers or things sucked? (7)
17 Historical coin, not fully involved in transaction? (3)
18 Father regressed, tucking into beer available from the shops? (4-1-6)
21 I take advantage of achievement by monarch (9)
22 City one governed back around end of March (5)
24 The current approach to bed-warming? (8,7)
1 Composer’s request, involving opening of rondo (4)
2 Basis for someone being made an ass of me? (6)
3 A bit of a gamble will have you palpitating (8)
4 Smart greeting and rather too elegant? (6)
5 Tropical plant, silver, mature, flourishing (8)
6 I perhaps second minimal amount of tax? (10)
7 Bedaubed Yorkshire wall incomplete without end of tag-line – this one? (6,3,4)
8 Quality of control flatters reins appearing tattered (4-9)
12 Fast ship leaves with cutter in wake? (3,7)
15 Sculptress, trendy, but with value (8)
16 Hectoring speech to support rising group (8)
19 Involve group of soldiers turning up to encircle volunteers (6)
20 Exam without a good deal of study could be this (6)
23 Artist and poet putting out book with bright pigment (4)
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