The ever-reliable Duncan Shiell in his fifteensquared blog of the puzzle identifies all the thematic material, including the rather cheeky 29, and he also notes 20.
1 ST MAGNUS; m in stag + Sun (rev.)
5 ORKNEY; (o)ne in anag.
9 WEDDING; cf. weeding
10 SUNRISE; Sir N (rev.) in sue
11 RECKLESSLY; (f)reckles sly
12 ABED; a be(n)d
14 OMIT; o MIT
16 BADMINTON; bad mint on
18 HARANGUES; h + an in argues
19 HARP; (s)harp
21 MAYO; May 0
22 SCOTCH MIST; scotch ‘missed’
26 FIDDLER; f (t)iddler
27 SHUTTLE; shut t(a)le
28 LAMMAS; m in lamas
29 PETER OUT; anag. in pout
1 SEWERS; s(K)ewers
2 MEDOC; M + code (rev.)
3 GUILLOTINE; lot in in guile
4 URGES; (s)urges
6 RUNE; run E
7 NAIL-BITER; anag. inc. e – l
8 YIELDING; y (f)ielding
10 SOLIDUS; solid US
13 LIGHTHOUSE; anag.
15 MARTYRDOM; yr in mart dom(e)
16 BOUNCER; ounce in BR
17 SHAMEFUL; sham + anag.
20 AT REST; a tres t
23 TASTE; hidden
24 INTRO; r in into
25 PLEA; P lea(k)
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