There’s a new puzzle up on the site – my thanks to Brian Head at the Crossword Club for permission to reuse it. Of course, I want to bring your attention to the Crossword Club and the evident merits of a subscription thereto, but this time I have a secondary purpose as well.
The new puzzle is actually a 3D puzzle, relying on answers perpendicular to the plane of the paper. 3D puzzles have been catching on lately due to the efforts of Sirius, aka Eric Westbrook, and I want to point you at his site as well. You’ll notice it’s called Calendar Puzzles, and there is indeed a puzzle for each month, often with an anniversary theme of some sort. The site allows you to purchase the calendar and when you do so you’ll be contributing to charity, specifically the BBC Children in Need appeal, and the Royal National Institute for the Blind. Eric is himself registered blind, and is leading research into ways of making crosswords accessible to the blind. It is intriguing, to say the least, that his vehicle for raising funds involves adding a layer of complexity to an already visually complex pastime.
If you see this in the next few days, just a reminder that a three-handed puzzle, in which one of the hands is mine, is appearing in the Enigmatic Variations slot in The Sunday Telegraph of 14 July 2013.
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