Well, I rather missed getting this up in time to give advance warning of my Inquisitor puzzle in The Independent of 14 December, but if you happen to find one lying around, I doubt that the puzzle will have escaped. There’ll be a setter’s blog appearing over Christmas at some point.
I can at least alert you to a Kcit Toughie in The Telegraph on 17 December, while the Toughie itself makes an unexpected Saturday appearance on the 21st. Phi will be in his usual Friday spot on the 20th. That close to Christmas might well lead you to expect some sort of seasonal Nina, of course, though you may find this one obscurer than most. It does get harder and harder to dream up something original for Christmas (or at least something that feels original) – the new puzzle this weekend is the seasonal contribution to The Independent from 2007. There’s even something going on in the Beelzebub puzzle in The Independent on Sunday come 22nd December.
Next weekend is the centenary of the crossword, of course, so I may add my contribution to the general bonhomie. Being the weekend before Christmas there will also be a new puzzle that has scarcely, if ever, been released for consumption by even the smallest fraction of the public. Please keep checking in.
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