This is another interstitial blog mainly to mention that a setter’s blog for my recent Enigmatic Variations puzzle Outrageous Simile is now on the site.
But also to comment, as all good Englishmen must, on the weather – this week has seen the worst storm of the winter so far. On Thursday I rode in on a train that stopped frequently on the shoreline part of the journey; there’d be a slow move forward, and you’d here a small rock become dislodged and roll away from the tracks (it helped being in the front carriage), and then someone would fling 23 buckets of water at the carriage, and it would all repeat. All in the pitch dark, of course, first thing in the morning.
As soon as I decently could, I made for home again, and worked remotely. The trains did sort of run all day though with substantial delays at times, but I wasn’t taking any chances in terms of getting stuck in town for the night. Mid-morning trains (including mine, of course) were held up by a fallen tree, which conveniently fell at a station where a large bit of machinery was in place to repair the overbridge damaged in last year’s earthquake, so the tree didn’t stay a problem for long. I took some video on my phone and Marjorie has edited it into a Vimeo presentation.
Today the storm has blown through, we have washing out in the sun, and we’re also about to get some gardening done. That’s rather the way with these winter storms.
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