The puzzle this week is another daily puzzle from The Independent. I see I have chosen a few recently from the same boxfile, so it is time for me to choose a new one and move to a different year. I shall look on it as a form of spring-cleaning, which is a nice thought on the weekend we had our first barbecue of the new season. The clouds have rolled in since, but we’ve salvaged the strawberry bed.
The good thing about recent puzzles is that I can refer you to a fifteensquared blog. Do make use of this – you might not only be the one stuck on a clue. There are blogs for other puzzles as well: see Big Dave in the blogroll for Telegraph puzzles, for example. I seem to have failed to include Times for the Times, so here’s the link, and I’ll do something under the hood before next time.
I am very pleased to report that the Prawn Underbelly burger (see here) won the Supreme Burger award for 2019, so we went back and had it again. It’s still not set to appear in a crossword, though.
Looking ahead, there’s a Kcit Toughie coming up next Thursday 26 September and a Pedro Times Quick Cryptic on Wednesday 2 October. The next update in a fortnight will coincide with a Kcit Enigmatic Variations puzzle (the one that clashed with The Year Continues, as mentioned last time).
Now I rwally must get a grid done while the mem-sahib is out…
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