Some sort of flu (but not Covid) has sent me to and from bed for the last couple of days, apart from snatching a few minutes to do things like this update.
Puzzles coming up: Pangakupu in The Guardian on 14 December, Phi in The Independent on 15 December, Kcit in the Enigmatic Variations series on 17 December, and the regular Independent slot on 22 December aligns with a seasonally themed puzzle in the Church Times that day as well.
Hope to return with a new puzzle on the site the weekend before Christmas. Now back to the cough mixture and tissues.
Get better buddy, if you need a hot tidy I can be there in 40 minutes!! Love from Churton Park.
Hot TODDY lol
A stress-free career break as a cat wrangler/servant and crossword compiler is just what the Dr. orders. Feet up, good music, good food and look forward to retirement, be it cosy bedtime or the longer sort…