I had hoped to put up a longer blog this week, but it needed preparation and a migraine struck at the key moment. Maybe next time. I’m still coming out of it, so this week will see a very brief post.
I have however managed to circulate the reminder to submit clue judgements for the 2023 APEX competition. We have had some odd failures in email this year, so it’s worth popping this fact up here as well, in case I’m continuing to miss people. I hope to have the APEX 2023 puzzle including result up on the site over Easter.
The puzzles over the next fortnight include a Church Times puzzle on 8 March, a Times daily on 13 March and a Times Quick Cryptic on 16 March, in addition to the regular Independent Friday slots.
Hoping to be able to drop in to the Listener Dinner online next weekend, so may see some familiar pixels.
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Hi Paul –
There’s absolutely no harm – only benefit – in relaxing. Do as little as you possibly can for as many days as you can afford – only then should you re-gird your loins
The world won’t come to an end (or, at least, it doesn’t need your help to do so!)
You bring many people a great deal of joy; it’s your time to bask in the karma you have stocked up….
Just try to keep smiling – and please take it easy….
Bless you,
William F P