And, to be fair, it has been fairly vernal. The overnight thunderstorms have abated, and the usual spring gales have swept in, and it’s a good drying day. And a baking day, and a using up these vegetables that have grown too early day (the broccoli is already looking set for the uprooting phase).
This time there’s an Independent puzzle from 2011 that has an unusual Nina, as it relates to the Nina-hunters themselves. It’s probably about time I did another one as the pseudonyms of the fifteensquared bloggers I deployed reveal the passing of time: some are still there, but others no longer contribute. The site continues to be well worth a visit, and they even blogged the puzzle itself (but, as always, solve it yourself first).
A fairly heavy cruciverbal weekend, including the wrangling of a complex IQ grid to completion – I’m now at the stage of looking at it, feeling pleased, and then panicking that I might not have quite worked out all the complexities correctly. I shall be brief and merely note forthcoming puzzles as the usual Friday Independent appearances (6 and 13 September), the Times (9 September) and a Telegraph Toughie from Kcit on 12 September.
And, of course, a Church Times puzzle on 6 September, which also marks my first formal appearance as editor there. Lead times mean that I have been doing various bits of puzzle preparation over the last few weeks and, indeed, the first puzzle for November began its path to publication today. Everything seems to be going well so far – do take a look.
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