The last Beelzebub puzzle: grid contains (Richard) WHITELEGG, (Michael) MACDONALD-COOPER, COLIN (Gumbrell) and PAUL (Henderson), the four setters over the years.
1 WHITE; whit e
5 LEGGING; L egging
11 HAIR-EEL; air in heel
12 AINEE; hidden
16 EMPLOY; e + p l o’ in my
17 GEAR UP; ear in gup
19 CAPITANI; a/c (rev.) + in a tip (rev.)
22 ROUNDURE; ro(d) + R in undue
24 PHAEIC; hae(t) in pic
25 COOPER; O in coper
29 AUSTRALIA DAY: a + anag.
30 UREIC; i.e. in cru (all rev.)
31 VILLAIN; villa in
32 LARCHEN; arch in len(t)
33 ADULT; adult(erate)
1 WHITECAP; anag. + pace (rev.)
2 HANGMAN; Han G-man
3 TRELLISED; ill in desert (all rev.)
4 EERY; E(ll)ery Q.
5 LEROY; hidden
6 ELOIGN; Elo + anag.
7 GAG REIN; E in Gag(a)rin
8 INTERRUPT; err up in I t t
9 NEED; ne(Ar)ed
10 GEEK; G(R)eek
14 APPRAISER; app raiser
15 MACDONALD; do in anag. In mad
18 PEER GYNT; anag. In pt
20 TRIARCH; a R in t rich
21 PREVAIL; re v in pail
23 OCTAVE; o + T in cave
25 COLIN; l in coin
26 PAUL; paul(dron)
27 AURA; (L)aura
28 ZILA; z I l A
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