1 ACTINOMORPHIC; anag. inc. t
11 NEURONAL; n Euro + LAN (rev.)
12 AWASH; a w ash
13 ACRONYM; a crony(is)m
15 NIPA; a pin (all rev.)
17 ENTERON; enter on
18 STIFLER; elf (rev.) in stir
20 TITLED; tit led
22 SEMEIA; anag. + I a
24 IMPOSER; I’m pos(t)er
25 ELECTRO; cf. Elector
28 SOCA; so ca(t)
29 NOTCHEL; Ch in note l
30 IGAPO; gap in I o
31 UPHEAVAL; anag. – y
32 ALL IN GOOD TIME; all in + good time
1 ANAESTHESIA; Esth E in an Asia
2 CECITIS; it in ceci(l)s
3 IRON; nori (rev.)
4 NON-ELECTION; n one lection
5 ONYX; on Y X
6 OLENUS; o + anag. – s
7 RATTLE-PATED; Rattle pa(n)ted
8 PWNED; p(A)wned
9 HAIRLESS; h airless
10 CHANTARELLE; a in anag.
14 MERSION; s in meri on
16 DITHECAL; the C in dial
19 TIE BEAM; I + be (rev.) in team
21 DOR-BUG; orb in dug
23 SCAPI; ap in sci.
26 COHO; coho(rt)
27 SCAT; 3 mngs.
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