There is a blog on fifteensquared for this puzzle, as well as my own setter’s blog elsewhere on this site.
The central block of 3×3 squares initially spelled SUPERNOVA and changed to BLACK HOLE, which solvers were to shade black. There were only eight clashes as the O is in seventh place in both SUPERNOVA and BLACK HOLE.
1 MITHRAIC; anag.
8 CHUT; chut(e)
12 ULNAE; an (rev.) in ule
13 EASE; (l)ease
14 ERECTER; r etc. ere (all rev.)
16 ROSIN/ROBIN; or (rev.) + in
17 RITES/KITES; I + set (rev.)
18 ENGLAND; L in eng. and
20 SPICE/SAICE; ‘s ice
22 BETOSS; to in Bess
24 NONCE; non CE
27 CYMAE; anag. – ad
29 AEETES; été in sea (rev.)
31 TINCT; n c in tit
34 RUCTION; anag.
37 EVIAN/ELIAN; n a i.e. (all rev.)
38 GILL ALE; ill in gale
40 SIGN; g in sin
41 ALGAE;A separately in age
42 TELA/TELE; let (rev.)
43 EGRESSES; serge (rev.) + se(t)s
1 MEER/MEEK; E in me
2 IDRIS; d in iris
3 TEETOTUMS; tee to tums
4 RUT; tur(n) (rev.)
5 ALEXIS; a lexis
6 CATNEP; pent a/c (all rev.)
7 VERGENCE; enc. in verge
8 CEOL MOR; anag. – d + or
9 USING; (m)using
10 TENDRESSE; dress in tene
11 ACES; (r)aces
15 RECURVING; recur v(y)ing
19 OBSCUREST; obs cures t
21 KNOTGRASS; knot gras(p)s
23 SHEKINAH; Nike (rev.) in Shah
26 TARTANA/TARTANE; art in tan
28 O’TOOLE; too in olé
29 ANTIAR; anti-Ar
30 JUVIE/JULIE; jui(c)e
32 TALE/TALC; hidden
33 SALUE/SALLE; anag.
36 NEWS/HEWS; Swe(den) (rev.)
39 LEE; eel (rev.)
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