It’s worth noting that the puzzle references Chambers 1988 edition. One definition used isn’t in the current edition, but it isn’t a great stretch to see it, so I haven’t changed the clue. Solvers may find that the earlier edition had something useful elsewhere in the puzzle…
In ‘Layettes’ somewhat ‘shady’ substitutions are made for parts of five across and five down answers. The across substitutions display one half of the theme; those in the downs the other. All clues are normal. Chambers (1988) is recommended. Unchecked letters in affected parts of grid entries give TYKE CRUMB.
1 Part of article is devoured by churchman, being about heaven (10)
11 Some attraction in dismissing Latin passage in old writing? (5)
12 Metal-worker once struck hard (5)
13 Juvenile back clothed in usual decorated Roman shirt (8)
15 Sailing vessel, nothing less, in puddle (4)
16 Head wrapped round with one? Hardly (4)
17 A bit of texture damage in fur is a possible sign of value (8)
18 Island in the blue, we hear (4)
19 A great many pulled back loose gown (5)
21 Aberdonian adores the Spanish when going round Spain (4)
23 Biblical ass having a change of heart? Still an ass! (4)
24 50% of life etc is reorganised, having a purpose (5)
25 Requests front of covers to be removed (4)
27 MP in real row? Not I, I declare noisily (8)
30 What escapers do in bed (4)
33 Bars France from another nation? (4)
34 Manifested primarily in a peculiar action of body parts (8)
35 Heads of United Nations – in the emergency – come together (5)
36 Sweetmeat in mostly fit state (5)
37 Simpleton about to mistake the return of my political manipulation (10)
1 Former secretary’s on time (4)
2 Compound – one found in beer (7)
3 Lily, climbing on the wall, left off (4)
4 Navigation system scored well aloft around Cuba (5)
5 Engrave one ‘R’ in the top, as before (5)
6 French detailed to upset Dutch boat (7)
7 Proposition maid made initially in mead (7)
8 Splicing is ill-made – being described thus? (10)
9 Item of news is right-minded? (5)
10 Fellow has to decorate church vessel (8)
14 Inca tribe, not English (not exactly), adopting name of Commonwealth symbol (10)
17 Reactive metal’s flickering amusing me (8)
20 Marsh-mallow? Hard one swallowed during a long meal (7)
21 Cripes! Aussie fool overturned glasses (7)
22 I see teacher originally enthralled by Blyton’s famous group in story? (7)
26 Muslim in student group has turned up (5)
28 Remove weapons from section of lunar module (5)
29 East End silence defined by ‘Mum’, begorra! (5)
31 Bread – one that’s risen? One that hasn’t (4)
32 Mediterranean fish to damage reef (4)
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