Absent/present letters indicated possible locations of the TARDIS, associated with DOCTOR Who. Redundant words in clues yielded the acronym TIME AND RELATIVE DIMENSIONS IN SPACE and the non-question WHO HAS BEEN ACTED BY HARTNELL TO SMITH. (Since publication we can add CAPALDI and WHITTAKER, of course.)
The fifteensquared blog is here.
6 PAPACY; Pa pacy; WithouT
12 ORZO; hidden; IrisH
13 BALLONET; lone in Balt; Oil-druM
14 (T)RIFLING; r I fling; EnglisH
16 DIOECIA; anag. AspidistrA
17 (R)ELATED; late in ed; NoteS
19 (D)RUB; RU b; BoarD
20 SHTUCK; H in stuck; EitheR
21 (I)DEALS; hidden; EmpirE
24 ASHE; a,s h,e; LondoN
27 BARRING; Bar ring; AmericA
28 LOOPIER; loo pier; CemenT
31 FORMIATE; anag.
32 NITRITES; nit rites; InstrucT
33 SITS; T in sis; VoicE
34 DESEED; E see in DD; ExalteD
35 DOHYOS; do h y + so (rev.); BeleaguereD
1 DOTARD; do tard(y); IntimatelY
2 ORRA; arro(w) (rev.)
3 TOFU; of in tu(m); MucH
4 OBLATE; bo (rev.) + late; ApplE
5 RAIDERS; der in rais(e); NeveR
7 ALGOL; go in all; TurnS
8 POLES(TAR); le in pos; ImpressioN
9 ANACRUSIS; an AC ru(n)s is
10 CELIAC; CE l I a/c; OutragE
11 Y-TRACK; cart in KY (all rev.); LadeN
15 BLUECOATS; anag; SchooL
18 ABAMPERE; a bam + R in pee; Isn’T
20 SCARRED; R in scared; OfteN
21 ISLAND; l in I sand; StorieS
22 DOOZIE; 0 Oz in die; PotassiuM
23 TROMSO; anag. inc. T
25 EGRESS; e.g. re SS; AntI
26 WIFIE; wi-fi E; ConcepT
29 DISH; H
30 OTTO; OTT O; HopE
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