Our old favourite, grid 6, again. Not the most helpful grid for solvers, as noted elsewhere, I think. I’m not sure these days I’d get away with 24, which Chambers now labels ‘(offensive)’. But the puzzle was chosen for its date, and it reflects what was acceptable at the time. There’s even a New Zealand reference!
1 MARIGOLD; ma rig old
5 SPRING; Pr in sing
9 SHUT DOWN; s hut down
10 JORDAN; Rd. in Joan
11 ROCKETRY; rock E try
12 BIBLES; bib-les(s)
14 OFF-LICENCE; l I c in offence
18 POT-BELLIED; pot bellied
22 EARWIG; w in anag. in e.g.
23 DEWPOINT; ‘do you’ point
24 SQUAWS; w in squas(h)
25 SCARCITY; scar city
26 IN TURN; rut (rev.) in inn
27 ILLUSION; us in (m)illion
1 MESSRS; mess RS
2 RAUNCH; u in ranch
3 GADGET; g ad get
4 LOW-PROFILE; Low profile
6 PROVINCE; provi(de)nce
7 INDOLENT; anag. + t
8 GANGSTER; angst in Ger.
13 BLUE-PENCIL; anag.
15 APRES-SKI; P in a re + anag.
16 STARDUST; d us in start
17 REVIEWER; ewe in river (rev.)
19 APERCU; hidden
20 BIKINI; B + kin in II
21 STAY ON; t in say on
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