A word to the wise: sometimes events overtake clues in ways that can’t easily be rectified, but which are historical enough for it not to matter This happens in this puzzle, so remember it is from 1998.
1 A reduction in the cereal on three occasions (6)
4 Long-distance traveller, excellent male occupying a length of time (8)
10 Is Severn mislocated around Northern Scottish city? (9)
11 Secretary has little time for allure (5)
12 Type of oil – litre I want put round first of sprockets (7)
13 Wrecked room in college? That’s dumb (7)
14 African tribe’s chief showing no end of concern about South Africa (5)
15 Belief system found in area around Long Island (8)
18 Impressed by end of transalpine flight (8)
20 Confectionery humbug? (5)
23 Is nosing around, mostly taking in the atmosphere of the plain (7)
25 Aunt and Hal travelling with an Aztec (7)
26 Talk slowly to get attention of student (5)
27 Change the look of the more distant mountains (9)
28 Reading out names of people getting bread and a visit (4-4)
29 Memorised colloquial version of Shakespeare play and half the Bible (6)
1 Rear light, well off the ground, fed by one amount of current (4,4)
2 Calls about a vicar’s first signs of insanity (7)
3 Cavil I deem wrong – just enjoy yourself (5,4)
5 Millions involved with planet will soon be feeling this! (4-10)
6 Supply haulier with no end of labour (5)
7 Souvenir chaps brought in satisfied nothing (7)
8 See water? (6)
9 Green fluid available at stations? (4-4,6)
16 Foresight to change a present better not investigated (4,5)
17 But it’s the big top which has a ring in! (4-4)
19 Hard work to traipse round US state (7)
21 Kitchen requisite – take one into cafe (7)
22 One ball is turning up round edge of pocket – rest needed by snooker player (6)
24 Priest brought in Roman Catholic artefact (5)
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