This appeared on the last day of 1998, though it doesn’t have a specific New Year theme. People who know my likes and dislikes will find a reference to an event in 1998, however.
7 Pupil taking in convict for protection (8)
9 Collection of tablets elates Dicky (6)
10 Bars much-hyped bridge partners (4)
11 Sailor Bill embraced by brothel-keeper? It’s what goes on over the way! (10)
12 Tell otherwise if leading to conclusion of testimony (6)
14 I obtain one sneakily from the outset (2,6)
15 Tempt one learning trade to ignore first four items (6)
17 Gives a meaning to numberless challenges (6)
20 Rather thin greeting given to US President? That’s about right (8)
22 Glass container with hole – shock! (6)
23 Carefree holiday island with plenty skipping work (10)
24 Nest’s uninteresting without first of eggs (4)
25 Writing s-statement of belief (6)
26 One’s against me backing operatic song or religious song (3,5)
1 Plant responding to sun – no result in a storm (8)
2 Crucial crosswords finally give solutions (4)
3 Some primitive art (hysterically crude) (6)
4 Convert that is clutching decorated missal (8)
5 Taking pessimistic view of time-saving possibly (10)
6 Note about a regulation in African nation (6)
8 A piano’s inferior to noble feature of organ (6)
13 Be trendier, unconventional – choose an exotic mate! (10)
16 Meet company with sort of knowledge not generally available, we hear (8)
18 Fish in flustered dive swallowed by marine creature (3-5)
19 Opera hat? (6)
21 An accomplished old disrupter of governments (6)
22 Funny man, a good one, into mockery (6)
24 Some made a fortune ignoring the words of others (4)
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