5 Bird in mere interrupted by drifting log-canoes (8,5)
8 Circle disregarding paper’s latest comment on death (4)
9 Describing religious approach, entangling father in it (10)
10 Denizen of underworld to continue to burn? (6)
11 Good woman aboard ship – a sympathetic type? (8)
12 Animated character’s enthusiasm not substantial – long due for curtailment (4,9)
15 Stayed around, extracting one from underwear before bed ultimately (8)
17 Source of films having an improving effect for some Londoners (6)
19 Wild man with sex aid grabs end of you with both hands (1,4,5)
20 Objection made about ring contest (4)
21 University town having good run with university publisher’s literary associations (7,6)
1 Pope, say, holding service in Western Region (6)
2/14 Popular entertainer, say, entertains Laura with nothing unusual (8,8)
3 Greek assemblies in the past curtailed eruptive outbreak (6)
4 Observe closely: nobody swallowing a couple of drugs (4,4)
5 Animated character in book, note, avoiding dreadful trouble behind (3,3,7)
6 Eliot poem not very unsteadying? That’s not unknown (6,7)
7 Businessmen sure upset after access involving press release and name (13)
13 Pyramid? Location of pyramid mostly upset Yank (upset about Egyptian god) (8)
14 See 2
16 Mostly prompt, with one coming in to stay (6)
18 Party worker’s preoccupation? (6)
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