The initial letters of answers in clue order spelled PHI’S THOUSANDTH DAILY CRYPTIC. Clues were in alphabetical order, one for each letter of the alphabet. Notes, however, are given in normal grid order.
The fifteensquared page for this puzzle is here.
6 HURRAH; hur(t) ra(s)h
7 SATORI; I rot as (all rev.)
9 INSANE; in san + e
10 THEMATIC; the mat(r)i(x) + C (= X x X)
11 CROUPIER; 0 up in crier & lit.
13 PASTRY; pa str(a)y
14 DISCRETIONARY; s and re in dictionary
16 DORCAS; rod (rev.) + cas(e)
18 LAPIDARY; anag.
19 HUMANISE; hum + anag.
21 RAISIN; I’s in rain
23 ASLEEP; eel (rev.) in asp
24 TUCKET; tuck e,t
1 ARIA; ari(d) a
2 CADER IDRIS; cad + dire (rev.) + sir (rev.)
3 YALE; hidden
4 NO-MAN’S-LAND; No(R)mans l and
5 TINIER; NI in tier
6 HUNDRED; Hun dre(a)d
8 STORYTELLER; s Tory teller
12 UNSOCIABLE; anag. + (c)able
13 PROSPEROUS; Prospero us
15 YORKIST; K I in anag.
17 OCULAR; (j)ocular
20 IDEA; E in I da(y)
22 INKY; in KY
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