Every row contains one cat-related answer. Admittedly, ASPARAGUS is a bit of a stretch, but it is the full name of T S Eliot’s Gus the Theatre Cat. There was some debate on fifteensquared as to the inclusion of SPHINX, but the term of art SPHYNX might have gone down even less well. Gus got off relatively lightly by comparison…
1 PREFAB; ref a in Pb
5 FELINE; Fe line
8 ASPARAGUS; a spa + sugar (rev.)
9 GRIEG; gri(p) e.g.
11 MANX; n in max
12 HELL’S ANGEL; anag. in hen + gel
13 UNDULATE; undu(e) late
15 OUNCE; (b)ounce
17 PILAF; L in Piaf
19 CHESHIRE; ches(s) hire
22 ABYSSINIAN; abyss In(D)ian
23 STAG; stag(e)
25 EDIFY ; FIDE (rev.) + y
26 MARMALADE; malad(y) in mare
27 DELETE; let in dee(d)
28 SPHINX; h in spin + x
2 RIPENED; I pen in red
3 FORK; f or k
4 BAGUETTE; gue(s)t in anag.
5 FUSELI; fuse L I
6 LOG-CANOES; log C + anag.
7 NAIL GUN; ail g in nun
8 ARMOUR PLATE; anag. & lit.
10 GOLDEN EAGLE; anag.
14 LIFESTYLE; fe(I)sty L in lie
16 THEATRES; the a(c)tres(s)
18 LEY LINE; lin(k) in l eye
20 IN TRAIN; trai(l) in inn
21 ANOMIE; I in a Nome
24 WASH; w ash
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