5 Film for Keith? (4,4,2,3)
8 Ponder vaguely about Holy Rolling – regular form? (10)
9 Timid? Head of mouse leads to startled response (4)
10 Speech I used to interrupt hero etc when excited (8)
12 I’ve some nails here? Definitely not (2,4)
13 Understand fellow’s not entirely wanting visitors (6)
15 Blessed people taking over God’s heart (6)
17 Old woman penetrating castle layout (6)
18 Dog needing drink after broadcast (8)
20 Peat bog pushing out core of other bog (4)
21 Police force making switch with hesitation to get intruder (10)
23 These recur, broadcast, involving attractive personality and a hint of learning? (5,8)
1 The writer picked up the writer’s award (4)
2 Covering escape, I will avoid murder (6)
3 No money held by stingy sort? That’s a wrong description (8)
4 Bogus expert interrupted working of Fed (looking humiliated) (10)
5 Asimov’s second promise to provide trilogy (5,2,6)
6 Knight, one taking fee for combat system (6)
7 Operetta – Lido song there, possibly (3,10)
11 Hopeful eye will circumvent one amount of blurriness (10)
14 Clear university’s under financial restriction round end of year (8)
16 Climbing tree secures insect cover (6)
19 Rector and church out of alms? Unlikely event (6)
22 Cook rarely incorporates vegetable dish (4)
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