The clue not updated was for CHANNEL TUNNEL, which was actually under construction at the time, and it was still not 100% certain to be completed (it took another four years to reach opening).
1 DICKENS; anag. in Dis
5 LUCERNE; anag. + r + (ki)ne
9 NON-LINEAR; no + anag.
10 ADULT; a dul(l) t
11 BLEATED; at in bleed
12 EXPANSE; pans in Exe
18 CHANNEL TUNNEL; channel + tunnel (under construction at time of puzzle)
20 TATTING; tat tin g
23 DECLINE; Dec line
25 AGREE; a Gree(k)
26 ELEMENTAL; E le mental
27 DUNSTAN; duns tan
28 DRESDEN; Dr + anag.
1 DANUBE; an in bud (rev.) + e
2 CONNEMARA; anag.
3 EXIST; hidden rev.
4 SPEEDWELL; deep (rev.) in swell
5 LARGE; hidden
6 CLAMPDOWN; anag. inc. m
7 ROUEN; roué n
8 EXTREMES; ex + anag.
14 CONTINENT; 2 mngs.
15 ROUNDHEAD; round + head
16 PALLIATED; pal + anag.
17 SCOTLAND; an in Scot(t) l d
19 BERLIN; be R L in
21 TURIN; I in turn
22 GREEN; re in gen
24 CRETE; cre(a)te
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